3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy

Even though the copy isn’t the most visually appealing, or exciting part of a marketing campaign, copywriting is still the most effective way to share your message and connect with your ideal client. If you’re having a hard time getting your message across and converting your audience into paying clients, it’s likely because of your copy.

If any of these felt relatable to you, there’s no need to worry, these issues can be fixed. Today I am going to share with you three things you can do right now to level your marketing copy and use it to attract and convert your ideal clients.

Speech to Text

If you’re having a hard time creating the copy and you tend to get anxious when looking at a blank page, try using speech-to-text. This is when you record your bit (caption, blog, marketing email, etc.) on your phone and then have it transcribed into copy. Then from there all you have to do is edit, format, and publish. 

This will not only help you get the copy out into the world, but it will likely connect more with your audience because it feels like you’re actually talking to them.


Many of us in the entrepreneurial community get intimated by copywriting because we don’t see ourselves as “writers”, and yet we are writing content every day. To give yourself a boost in your copywriting confidence I recommend you get Grammarly. There’s a free version and a paid version, but both can help edit your work without needing an extra pair of eyes. Grammarly picks up spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and even gives suggestions to help make your writing more clear and concise. It is truly the entrepreneur’s best friend.

The Chopping Block

When writing content, especially long-form pieces like blogs, I challenge you to keep all of the information on one single page. This will force you to be mindful of what you’re including and how you’re portraying your message. Remember that good content doesn’t mean long, actually, in most cases the highest converting pieces are the shortest. Every sentence matters, so utilize the chopping block and keep your copy short and to the point.

If you implement these 3 strategies into your copywriting don’t be surprised when you start getting more engagement, traction, and conversions on the regular. 

Are you still wondering what is the right marketing strategy for your business? Find out with the GasStoveCreative Marketing Strategy Quiz!

This quiz is designed to help you discover which marketing strategy suits your business best! It’s completely free, and a fun way to get clear on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

The quiz is completely free and takes less than 5 minutes. Just click the link below to get started!

Marketing Quiz