Gasstove Creative All_In_One_Marketing_Solutions_for_Service_Based_Businesses Wed, 30 Nov 2022 20:14:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gasstove Creative 32 32 3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy Wed, 30 Nov 2022 20:14:14 +0000 As an entrepreneur, copywriting is the most effective way to share your message and connect with your ideal client.

The post 3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post 3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy

Even though the copy isn’t the most visually appealing, or exciting part of a marketing campaign, copywriting is still the most effective way to share your message and connect with your ideal client. If you’re having a hard time getting your message across and converting your audience into paying clients, it’s likely because of your copy.

  • It could be that your copy is too sparse and doesn’t fully convey the value of what you offer.
  • It could be that your copy is too wordy and people are getting lost trying to find the meat of your message.
  • You might not be connecting with people because you’re trying to appease “everyone”.
  • Your ideal clients might not be clear on how you can help them because you’re not even clear yourself. 

If any of these felt relatable to you, there’s no need to worry, these issues can be fixed. Today I am going to share with you three things you can do right now to level your marketing copy and use it to attract and convert your ideal clients.

Speech to Text

If you’re having a hard time creating the copy and you tend to get anxious when looking at a blank page, try using speech-to-text. This is when you record your bit (caption, blog, marketing email, etc.) on your phone and then have it transcribed into copy. Then from there all you have to do is edit, format, and publish. 

This will not only help you get the copy out into the world, but it will likely connect more with your audience because it feels like you’re actually talking to them.

Many of us in the entrepreneurial community get intimated by copywriting because we don’t see ourselves as “writers”, and yet we are writing content every day. To give yourself a boost in your copywriting confidence I recommend you get Grammarly. There’s a free version and a paid version, but both can help edit your work without needing an extra pair of eyes. Grammarly picks up spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and even gives suggestions to help make your writing more clear and concise. It is truly the entrepreneur’s best friend.

The Chopping Block

When writing content, especially long-form pieces like blogs, I challenge you to keep all of the information on one single page. This will force you to be mindful of what you’re including and how you’re portraying your message. Remember that good content doesn’t mean long, actually, in most cases the highest converting pieces are the shortest. Every sentence matters, so utilize the chopping block and keep your copy short and to the point.

If you implement these 3 strategies into your copywriting don’t be surprised when you start getting more engagement, traction, and conversions on the regular. 

Are you still wondering what is the right marketing strategy for your business? Find out with the GasStoveCreative Marketing Strategy Quiz!

This quiz is designed to help you discover which marketing strategy suits your business best! It’s completely free, and a fun way to get clear on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

The quiz is completely free and takes less than 5 minutes. Just click the link below to get started!

The post 3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post 3 Ways to Elevate Your Marketing Copy appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

READ THIS if you feel like you’re not getting enough exposure on social media Wed, 30 Nov 2022 17:41:10 +0000 I promise, the algorithm doesn’t hate you, you’re just likely doing these 3 things that are killing your exposure.

The post READ THIS if you feel like you’re not getting enough exposure on social media first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post READ THIS if you feel like you’re not getting enough exposure on social media appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

A women with her hands pulling at her hair, sitting in front of a window with a laptop in front of her. The text on the image reads Gas Stove Creative Boutique Marketing. The algorithm does not hate you! You are just doing these 3 things that kill your exposure.

As we all know, utilizing social media is a major component of digital marketing and getting in front of our ideal clients. However, sometimes it can feel like your efforts are wasted because you’re not going viral and you feel like no one is seeing your posts, let alone the people who are actually going to buy from you.

I promise, the algorithm doesn’t hate you, you’re just likely doing these 3 things that are killing your exposure. ⬇

1. Your hashtags aren’t relevant to your post

As you probably know, there have been many updates to the Instagram app, and one of them is that Instagram is locking down the relevancy of your hashtags to posts. They want us to see the MOST relevant content (which is a good thing!) but that does mean the end of batching and reusing hashtags. 

If you’re adding hashtags to your content you need to make sure every single one of them directly pertains to the content within your post.

2. You’re posting and ghosting

The algorithm thrives on engagement, the more comments, shares, saves, and likes – the better. When you post your finely crafted content you don’t want to just post and log off. To get that post seen by as many people as possible you want to stay on the app for at least 10 minutes right after posting and be actively engaging with other accounts. Especially if people are commenting and liking, you want to be commenting and liking right back.

3. You’re not being “social” on social media

To piggyback off the previous point, social media is about connecting, and if you’re only using it to promote yourself the algorithm simply isn’t going to favor you. If you want to increase your reach on social you should be spending 10-15 minutes a day commenting, sharing, and replying to people’s posts. This will help get your name out there and it will signal to the platform (Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, etc.) that you’re an active user.

I promise, the algorithm doesn’t hate you, and your content is likely really good! It’s just a matter of making these social platforms work in your favor.

The post READ THIS if you feel like you’re not getting enough exposure on social media first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post READ THIS if you feel like you’re not getting enough exposure on social media appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

New Year, New Marketing Strategy! Wed, 30 Nov 2022 17:36:18 +0000 Is your marketing strategy ready for 2023? This is a new year full of new opportunities to grow and expand your business to new heights.

The post New Year, New Marketing Strategy! first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post New Year, New Marketing Strategy! appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Glittering blue background with the text Gas Stove Creative Boutique Marketing New Year New Marketing Strategy. Make 2023 your year!

Is your marketing strategy ready for 2023? This is a new year full of new opportunities to grow and expand your business to new heights. A chance to connect with more people, book new clients, and serve your audience in new ways.

Many businesses make the mistake of getting into a rut or just leaning back into “what works”, even if it’s just helping them chug along and not actually thrive. 

This is why I help businesses create innovative, fresh marketing strategies that are customized to their business and goals.

In this 1:1 strategy session, I walk you through a step-by-step process to help you gain clarity on what marketing strategy is going to be the most impactful for your business.

Then from there, we start to develop a game plan for how you’re going to execute it. 📈

➡ The first step, however, is for you and me to hop on a complimentary discovery call to ensure that we are the right fit for each other. During this time we will discuss your current obstacles, pain points, goals, and start to lay down the groundwork for your marketing strategy.

This is a great experience if you’re looking to have a sounding board and to get some sense of direction of where you need to be putting your efforts when it comes to marketing your business in the new year.

Click this link to book your complimentary discovery call today!

If you want a sneak peek of what marketing strategy is right for your business, take the GasStoveCreative Marketing Strategy Quiz! 

This quiz is designed to help you discover which marketing strategy suits your business best! It’s completely free, and a fun way to get clear on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

The quiz is completely free and takes less than 5 minutes. Just click the link below to get started!

The post New Year, New Marketing Strategy! first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post New Year, New Marketing Strategy! appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Why your brand messaging is *so* important Wed, 30 Nov 2022 00:03:56 +0000 If you’re not signing clients, your brand messaging might be the problem. Here's why it's imperative that you’re clear on what your message is.

The post Why your brand messaging is *so* important first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post Why your brand messaging is *so* important appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Blue background with keyboard in the top left corner and clipboard next to a cellphone in the bottom left corner. Text on the image reads Gas Stove Creation Boutique Marketing Why you brand messaging is so important.

If you’re not attracting or signing clients, your brand messaging might be the problem. 😳

Your brand messaging is EVERYTHING when it comes to your marketing. You can have the most beautiful graphics, the best photos, and even the most transformational offer in the industry, but if your ideal clients can’t connect with your brand message, they won’t convert.

Your brand messaging is how you communicate to your audience what you have to offer, why they need it, and how it will affect their lives and business. It shows up in your social media captions, your sales pages, your videos, your podcasts, your website, your infographics – any way that you connect with people through your business.

This is why it is imperative that you’re clear on what your message is and that you stay consistent throughout your platforms.

To help you with this, I have 3 tips to help you get clear on your brand messaging ⬇

Niche down

The biggest mistake I see business owners make is that they try to serve anyone and everyone, and they’re afraid of “excluding” people. This makes your marketing come across as super generic and kind of ambiguous, making it hard for anyone to relate to connecting with the content.

Short and sweet is the recipe for success

People online have a short attention span, so if you’re chalking up your marketing with a bunch of words you’re going to lose them. Your ideal client should be able to scan through any piece of content and know immediately whether or not it’s for them. When it comes to your brand messaging do the editing work and shorten it as much as you can.

Know your transformation

If you don’t fully understand and believe in the transformation you’re providing, your ideal client won’t either. The biggest component of your brand messaging is expressing how your offer is going to benefit THEM, so make sure that you’re providing something you can really get behind. The more passionate you feel about the offer, the more that will show through your marketing.

Before you even touch your marketing strategy you should know your brand messaging like the back of your hand.

If you want 1:1 help developing the brand messaging for your business let’s book a strategy call!

Click the link below ⬇ to book!

The post Why your brand messaging is *so* important first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post Why your brand messaging is *so* important appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Update your blogging strategy Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:59:30 +0000 Blogs today are evergreen pieces of content that can live virtually within your business and bring you new leads for YEARS.

The post Update your blogging strategy first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post Update your blogging strategy appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Update your blogging strategy

With the rise of social media, many businesses have been steering away from blogging. I mean, let’s be honest, there is already so much content to keep up with, and blogging can feel so time-consuming. That being said, blogging isn’t the same as it was in 2008.

Back in the day blogging used to mean that you were chained to your computer for hours, writing long-winded articles every single day. At the time it was all about the “day in the life” and showcasing what you did within your life and business.

Now, that concept has been taken over by Instagram stories, vlogs, and TikTok, but that doesn’t mean that blogs are dead – they’re just different.

Blogs in 2022 are meant to drive SEO traffic to your website.

These are evergreen pieces of content that can live virtually within your business and bring you new leads for YEARS. Blogs have a lot longer shelf-life than social media posts, and when done right can act as mini sales pages, converting clients on your behalf.

Another awesome factor is that you don’t have to have a ton of them or even be consistent with your blog posting. You just need to be strategic in what you write so that it does its job over time.

Here are 3 tips for writing traffic-generating, highly converting blog posts ⬇

Keywords, keywords, keywords

Embed your posts with as many keywords and keyphrases as possible to drive SEO traffic to your website. One of the best ways to do this is for your blog to literally answer a question that your ideal client would put into a Google search bar.

Solve a problem 

The best blog posts are ones that provide an answer or transformation that your ideal client is looking for. If you can help someone through your blog post, they will start to trust you and see you as an authority.

Speak directly to your ideal client

Be as niche as possible with at least some of your blog posts. When your ideal client lands on your website you want them to feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

If you implement these 3 strategies into your blogging don’t be surprised when you have a leap in website traffic and steady leads coming in.

Wondering if blogging is the right marketing strategy for your business?

Find out with the GasStoveCreative Marketing Strategy Quiz!

This quiz is designed to help you discover which marketing strategy suits your business best! It’s completely free, and a fun way to get clear on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

The quiz is completely free and takes less than 5 minutes. Just click the link below to get started!

The post Update your blogging strategy first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post Update your blogging strategy appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

3 Social Media Posts to Create This Month Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:54:36 +0000 Since brainstorming ideas is the hardest part of content creation, I have come up with 3 social media post ideas to give your marketing a boost!

The post 3 Social Media Posts to Create This Month first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post 3 Social Media Posts to Create This Month appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

3 Social Media Posts to Create This Month

As we approach the end of the year we are all feeling the “busyness”. Between wrapping up projects, visiting with family, and all of the holiday activities, it can be hard to stay on top of your marketing.

That being said, you don’t want to risk your audience cooling off simply because you stopped posting. Even if they aren’t buying right now, you still want to stay top of mind for those potential leads going into the new year.

Since brainstorming ideas is the hardest part of content creation, I have come up with 3 social media post ideas to give your marketing a boost. ⬇

Growth Journey Post

This is the perfect time to showcase how far you have come in your business over the past year. You can do this by doing a side-by-side of a photo from the beginning of the year, and a photo from now, using text bubbles to share your growth. You can also do this with a reel or TikTok video and make a slideshow of your progress, or a before and after.

Posts like this help people see you as human and help them connect with your journey.

Lessons You Learned This Year

Again, this is a great time to connect with your ideal client, especially if you’re a coach, educator, or thought leader. Your audience wants to know that you’re growing too and that you’re always elevating yourself in and outside of your business.

This is also a great post for multiple different platforms. You can start with a blog post, then make it a Linkedin and Facebook post, then condense it down to an Instagram caption, and even make it a Twitter series!

Biggest Wins of the Year

Take the opportunity to show potential clients what they’re missing! Share a compilation post of all your biggest business and client wins from the year. This is a great way to use your credibility and social proof to attract new leads going into the new year.

The main point is to always build that know, like, and trust relationship with your ideal clients through your marketing.

If you want more 1:1 help creating the optimal marketing strategy for your business, click the link below ⬇ to book your FREE discovery call now!

The post 3 Social Media Posts to Create This Month first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post 3 Social Media Posts to Create This Month appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

What to Include in your Podcast Shownotes Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:50:59 +0000 Having optimized shownotes for your podcast is imperative if you want your podcast to drive traffic to your offers and convert your audience into paying clients.

The post What to Include in your Podcast Shownotes first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post What to Include in your Podcast Shownotes appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

What to Include in your Podcast Shownotes

The biggest mistake so many people make when it comes to producing their own podcast is that they sleep on the shownotes. They will either throw in the bare minimum to have some content in there, or they fill the space with extraneous information that isn’t driving traffic anywhere.

The thing about podcasts is that many people are listening to them while multitasking. They’re driving, working out, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc., and even if they are interested in your offer or affiliate link they’ll likely get distracted. This is why having optimized shownotes is imperative if you want your podcast to drive traffic to your offers and convert your audience into paying clients.

Here are 3 things you need to include in your podcast shownotes for optimum success ⬇

Links to your offers right at the top.

If you’re featuring a freebie, affiliate link, or paid offer you need to pin those links up at the top so that those who can find them are immediately interested.

Give a brief outline of what the episode is about with highlights.

Someone who is on the fence about tuning in will want to scan over the notes to see if the episode is worth their time. Don’t include a whole transcription of the episode with extraneous details. Keep it clear, simple, and to the point.

Direct them to your socials and website.

Always, always, always have your social media handles and website link within your shownotes and encourage your listeners to share the episode wherever they can.

Having these specific elements within your podcast (or YouTube) shownotes will turn your content from just entertainment to conversions and a way to scale your business. Your podcast should be bringing in passive income, and this is the first step to making that happen!

Here at GasStove Creative, we are all about optimizing every facet of your business so that your marketing efforts make the most impact. If you want to learn more about how you can do this throughout your business I recommend you book a 1:1 strategy call with me today!

In this 1:1 strategy session, I walk you through a step-by-step process to help you gain clarity on what marketing strategy is going to be the most impactful for your business.

Then from there, we start to develop a game plan for how you’re going to execute it.

➡ The first step, however, is for you and me to hop on a complimentary discovery call to ensure that we are the right fit for each other. During this time we will discuss your current obstacles, pain points, goals, and start to lay down the groundwork for your marketing strategy.

Click the link below ⬇ to book your FREE discovery call now!

The post What to Include in your Podcast Shownotes first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post What to Include in your Podcast Shownotes appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

3 Tips for Your Linkedin Marketing Strategy Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:43:02 +0000 If you’re a coach, educator, and/or you’re offering online services then I have 3 tips for how to utilize Linkedin for your business.

The post 3 Tips for Your Linkedin Marketing Strategy first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post 3 Tips for Your Linkedin Marketing Strategy appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

3 Tips for Your Linkedin Marketing Strategy

For many of those who have taken the GasStoveCreative Strategic Marketing Quiz, your results stated that Linkedin was the best approach when marketing your business.

This likely means that you’re a coach, educator, and/or you’re offering digital courses or online services. Your ideal clients want to hear directly from you and they are eager to learn about what you know. They see you as an authority in your field, and they’re looking to you for help in navigating their endeavors.

If this is you, then I have 3 tips for how to utilize Linkedin specifically to gain exposure for your business and connect with your ideal clients.


People are on Linkedin looking for professionals sharing on topics that interest and are relevant to them. Your perfect audience can’t find you, let alone trust and buy from you if you’re not posting. By educating people on your terms, for free you’re building credibility and letting your audience know that you’re the person who can help them. 

Utilize Call to Actions

On any social media platform, your audience is bound to be distracted with a short attention span, which is why you want to be continuously guiding them to the next steps. Within the content, your post should always be telling the reader what they need to click, what they need to do, and where they need to go. Even if it seems obvious, keep in mind that many people are skimming through your content looking for the CTAs.

Optimize your profile

Your profile needs to reflect who you are and what you do professionally. It should be clear, concise, and position you as an authority and thought leader within your industry. If your profile is underdeveloped, wishy-washy, or confusing, your audience will have a hard time trusting you and converting to a paid client.

If you’re a coach, educator, or professional in the knowledge-based industry, then Linkedin is the ideal platform to share what you know and to build an audience.

More of which we can develop through a marketing strategy session.

If you haven’t taken my Marketing Strategy Quiz yet and you want to know which marketing strategy suits your business best, click the link below to find out!

Within just 11 questions we will help you navigate the best approach to gaining exposure, connecting with, and converting your ideal clients.

Click here to take the quiz! ➡

The post 3 Tips for Your Linkedin Marketing Strategy first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post 3 Tips for Your Linkedin Marketing Strategy appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

SEO vs Hashtags – What Has Changed with the Algorithms Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:38:20 +0000 With the SEO-driven model, the algorithm is operating off keywords and paying attention to what users are searching for, liking, and viewing.

The post SEO vs Hashtags – What Has Changed with the Algorithms first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post SEO vs Hashtags – What Has Changed with the Algorithms appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

SEO vs Hashtags – What Has Changed with the Algorithms

If you didn’t know, Instagram has recently switched to an SEO-driven algorithm from the hashtag-driven model we’ve previously known. How that works is that with the hashtag model we would attach tags to our posts and they would act as a filing system and would be targeted to people who also wanted/needed access to those files.

Now, with the SEO-driven model, the algorithm is operating off keywords and paying close attention to what users are searching for, liking, commenting on, and viewing over and over. All of this data acts as little, digital “spiders” that spread across the platform to connect users with content that interests them based on their user behavior. What this means for us is that we need to be considering our copy heavily and utilizing the keywords within our field of interest.

PS. This method is implemented into the Google search engine, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, so the following tips are safe to use across all of your social media platforms.

The first step is to find out what your industry keywords are.

We tend to be very close to our business and brand, so taking a step back and assessing someone else’s business can be helpful when it comes to research.

Take a look at other, successful accounts within your field and pay close attention to the words that they use. How do they describe their work and what they do? What words keep showing up in the comments? What specific words would you use to describe their work? This exercise will help you start compiling a list of key phrases to start implementing into your own account.

Next, you’ll want to strategically implement these keywords into your social media bios.

It’s important to note the keywords don’t act like hashtags, just throwing keywords strewn together into your bio won’t attract your audience. The wording you use within your bio has to make sense, connect with your audience, and encourage them to convert into a follower.

*Creating the perfect social media bio is something we can definitely work on during a marketing strategy session*

Lastly, I recommend that you create 4-5 CORE posts that strategically use those same keywords to live on your social account.

These posts should represent who you are, what you do, whom you serve, and what sets you apart from the rest. Ideally, you want keywords in the graphics as well as the captions, where it makes sense. Having these posts embedded into your account will drive traffic to your profile and attract those whose user behavior aligns with your brand.

If you found this information helpful and you want to learn more about how you can optimize your content creation and marketing strategy, click the link below to book a marketing strategy session with me today!

The post SEO vs Hashtags – What Has Changed with the Algorithms first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post SEO vs Hashtags – What Has Changed with the Algorithms appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Which Marketing Strategy Best Suits Your Business? Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:32:38 +0000 This quiz is designed to help you discover which marketing strategy suits your business best! It’s completely free, and a fun way to get clear on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

The post Which Marketing Strategy Best Suits Your Business? first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post Which Marketing Strategy Best Suits Your Business? appeared first on Gasstove Creative.

Which Marketing Strategy Best Suits Your Business?

Do you know which marketing strategy best suits your business?

In this world of digital marketing and online business, you know how much noise there is regarding what you “should” be doing. 🗣🗣🗣

Everyone is telling you to hop on every trend, post on every platform, and if you’re not doing, “x, y, z” then you’re going to get left behind. 🫣

Here’s the thing about all the 🗣noise, it’s created by the general, the collective, and the masses. 

Meaning that whatever message this “noise” creates is not specific to you, your business, or your goals.

… so it’s likely not going to help you all that much. ❌

This is why it is *so* important to do the work in figuring out who your ideal client is, where they are hanging out, and what makes them “tick”

How can you relay your message in such a way that it shows them how much they need you and your offer?

When you know this, you can start to develop a marketing strategy that is tailored by design for the exact people who want and need what you have to offer. 📈

This is why I created my strategic marketing quiz! 🙌

This quiz is designed to help you discover which marketing strategy suits your business best! It’s completely free, and a fun way to get clear on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients.

The quiz is completely free and takes less than 5 minutes. Just click the link below to get started!

The post Which Marketing Strategy Best Suits Your Business? first appeared on Gasstove Creative.

The post Which Marketing Strategy Best Suits Your Business? appeared first on Gasstove Creative.
