If you’re not attracting or signing clients, your brand messaging might be the problem. 😳
Your brand messaging is EVERYTHING when it comes to your marketing. You can have the most beautiful graphics, the best photos, and even the most transformational offer in the industry, but if your ideal clients can’t connect with your brand message, they won’t convert.
Your brand messaging is how you communicate to your audience what you have to offer, why they need it, and how it will affect their lives and business. It shows up in your social media captions, your sales pages, your videos, your podcasts, your website, your infographics – any way that you connect with people through your business.
This is why it is imperative that you’re clear on what your message is and that you stay consistent throughout your platforms.
To help you with this, I have 3 tips to help you get clear on your brand messaging ⬇️
Niche down
The biggest mistake I see business owners make is that they try to serve anyone and everyone, and they’re afraid of “excluding” people. This makes your marketing come across as super generic and kind of ambiguous, making it hard for anyone to relate to connecting with the content.
Short and sweet is the recipe for success
People online have a short attention span, so if you’re chalking up your marketing with a bunch of words you’re going to lose them. Your ideal client should be able to scan through any piece of content and know immediately whether or not it’s for them. When it comes to your brand messaging do the editing work and shorten it as much as you can.
Know your transformation
If you don’t fully understand and believe in the transformation you’re providing, your ideal client won’t either. The biggest component of your brand messaging is expressing how your offer is going to benefit THEM, so make sure that you’re providing something you can really get behind. The more passionate you feel about the offer, the more that will show through your marketing.
Before you even touch your marketing strategy you should know your brand messaging like the back of your hand.
If you want 1:1 help developing the brand messaging for your business let’s book a strategy call!
Click the link below ⬇️ to book!